Our first project for the year 2017!

By Rtr. Nethmie Jayasooriya.

Blood Donation and Eye Camp.

Rotaract club of CCS started off the Ney Year by organizing a medical camp in collaboration with "Saukya Dhana club" of CCS. Blood donation campaign is an annual event of CCS. This time we could take it to the next level, organizing an eye camp along with the blood donation camp. We are happy to say that the medical camp was a successful project and it gave us all good motives to begin the new year with good vibes!

The medical camp was held on 5th of January,2017 at College of Chemical Sciences, Rajagiriya. More than hundred of participants took part in the event. 

Our primary goal was not only to collect blood but to bring awareness to the community about blood donation and its benefits. They were given the chance to check their eyesight and referred for further treatments if needed.

Most people donate blood to save others lives. Of course, you could save the lives! But have you ever thought of the other benefits one could gain except for the mental satisfaction? These are a few unexpected benefits you gain by donating blood!

1. Better blood flow.

Yeah! Studies have found that repeated blood donations can actually help your blood flow better. Blood donors are unlikely to get heart attacks!

2. It balances the iron level in blood.

You may lose about 1/4 g of iron for each blood unit you lose. The good news is that it helps to balance the iron level of the body by getting rid of the excess iron. 

3. Getting a Mini Physical.

It is not a full body check up. But a free check up would not hurt since you could get a brief description of your current health condition!

4. Longer life!

Studies show that those who selflessly help others tend to live a longer life. Because there is no doubt that altruistic volunteers lead a happier life!

The most amazing fact is one pint of blood you donate can save three lives!

Thank you everyone for helping out to make this project a successful one!

Viva la Rotaract! 😊


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