
Showing posts from February, 2024

World Cancer Day

Every year on February 4th, the world observes World Cancer Day. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness about cancer. A broad category of illnesses known as cancer can impact any organ or tissue in the body. It describes the uncontrollably dividing cells that grow abnormally. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy are the main cancer treatment modalities. There is a growing trend in cancer treatment towards multimodality care. Medication is given orally or intravenously during chemotherapy. The goal is to target cancer cells by distributing the medication throughout the body. Because it can reach cancer cells both locally and at distant places, this treatment is also known as a systemic approach. Radiation therapy treats the local spot with extreme focus. It functions by causing damage to cancer cells' DNA. High-energy rays or particles are precisely aimed at the tumor or other vulnerable areas during radiation treatment