
Showing posts from August, 2020
Binara Full moon Poya Day This public holiday in Sri Lanka takes place on the full moon day of Binara, the sixth month in the Sinhalese calendar.It usually falls in September in the Western calendar . The Binara Poya Day holds special significance for Buddhists across the globe for numerous reasons including the anniversary of the commencement of the Meheni Sasana. History of Binara Full Moon Poya On Binara Poya, Sri Lankan Buddhists commemorate the establishment of the Bhikkhuni Sasanaya (Bhikkhuni Sangha) or Order of the Female Buddhist Monastic. The very first bhikkuni ordained was the stepmother of Buddha, Mahapajapathi Gothami. Mahapajapathi Gothami was the younger sister of Queen Maha Maya, the mother of Buddha. The Queen died a week after the birth of Buddha and the prince was raised by Mahapajapathi Gothami who subsequently married Buddha's father King Suddodhana, becoming his stepmother. The Vas season (Rainy-retreat) continues during the month of Binara, so the bhikk