
By Rtr Afra Irfan

Click. Send. Repeat. 
We are all undoubtedly under the hypnotic influence, the constant push and pull of the tide that we call Social Media. And we can undoubtedly, also agree on the fact that the era of the internet has made lives significantly better. It has given us the chance to project our thoughts and voices to a global platform and have them be actually heard and considered. But while some voices are keen advocates for justice and all things good, there are some voices that can be brutally critical, harsh, threatening and derogatory. They can come in any form, under any guise, with the sole intention of tearing down and degrading another person. This is just a basic definition of Cyber bullying and it is an actual problem that is prevalent in all parts of the world today. 
The Rotaract Club of CCS addresses the issue of Cyber bullying, and through the introduction of our online anti-bullying initiative known as “Cyber Love, it was our aim to spread awareness of this situation and to remind people of the importance of staying safe online. Cyber Love was an approach designed to inspire people to spread love, happiness and positivity using the cyber space, as opposed to the alternative. 

People were encouraged to nominate a minimum of five individuals, giving them genuine, heartfelt compliments, in order to pass on a little love and cheer. This sparked a massive chain reaction and soon scores of people were eager to be involved in the Cyber Love campaign

We are very thankful to everyone who actively took part in this campaign, to make someone smile. To make someone’s day, and as a result, making it a super successful project.
#SayNoToCyberBullying  #Don’tBeMeanBehindTheScreen


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